.group voxelwise linearregression analysisbetween I-IFCandepisodic memory SCOre to establish leftandfightepisodic work within each group;2)the study conducted across.group voxelwiSe linearregression analysis toinvestigate theinfluence 0fAPOE s4alleleand aMCI onthehippocampal-related work. ResulB:aMCI showedsignificant impaired cognitive pared with normaI controls. aMCI significantly decreased the I-IFC strength,while theAPOE“allele increased theHFC strength.Bom甜订CI patients andAPOE e4carriersIeSSrecruited thePapez circuitrelatedregions, including the thalamus and medial temporal lobe,to perform episodic memory function. Specifically,神以CI patients’episodic work primarily located inthe bilateraIanterior cingulate cortex andtemporoparietal junction,while APOE e4carriers’episodic work ⅥII 万方数据