
剧本-昆剧 班昭 罗怀臻

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e. I beefed up informal fallacies, added inference to the best explanation, and corrected some typos. I overhauled three difficult sections: on relational translations, belief-logic proofs, pleteness. I did much tweaking of explanations (for example, see the sections on the star test, Venn diagrams, and proofs). I tweaked some exercises. I added an appendix on suggested further readings. I added a real index (previously there was only an index of names); so now it’s easier to research a topic. And I added a convenient list of rules to the inside covers. I cut two parts that got little use: the appendix on how to download and use LogiCola (the program is now so easy to download and use that this appendix isn’t needed) and the glossary (which just repeated definitions from the text). I tried


