
汉语方言语法调查手册 黄伯荣.pdf

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the price of jam?3crowns.(d)What would Gunnar’s e in the new currency have to be for himto be exactly able to a?ord the modity bundles that he coulda?ord before the change?180 crowns.(e)Write down Gunnar’s new budget equation.P+2M+3J=180.Is Gunnar’s budget set any di?erent than it was before the change?No.2.7 (0)Edmund Stench consumes modities, namely garbage andpunk rock video cassettes. He doesn’t actually eat the former but keepsit in his backyard where it is eaten by billy goats and assorted vermin.The reason that he accepts the garbage is that people pay him $2 persack for taking it. Edmund can accept as much garbage as he wishes atthat price. He has no other source of e. Video cassettes cost him$6 each.(a)If Edmund accepts zero sacks of garbage, how many video cassettescan he buy?0.


