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, before he had told us inРwhom it w as to be found, and talked so much of it. But, perhaps, sirРRobert found, that this fatherly authority, this power of fathers, and ofРkings, for he makes them both the same, p. 24, would make a very oddРand frightful figure, and very disagreeing with what either children imag-Рine of their parents, or subjects of their kings, if he should have given usРthe whole draught together, in that gigantic form he had painted it in hisРown fancy; and therefore, like a wary physician, when he would haveРhis patient swallow some harsh or corrosive liquor, he mingles it with aРlarge quantity of that which may dilute it, that the scattered parts mayРgo down with less feeling, and cause less aversion.Р §8. Let us then endeavour to find what account he gives us of this


