
基于神经网络的可再生能源并网逆变器阻抗模型辨识方法 赵子明

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erter and the grid is theР main cause of the oscillations in renewable energy plants. This paper proposes a neural network-Р based black-box impedance model identification method. Based on the port measurement data ofР the grid-tied inverter袁 the port impedance of the grid-tied inverter is identified and the impedanceР identification model can be obtained袁 which takes into account the influence of different operatingР points. Through the comparison and error analysis of the impedance characteristic curves obtainedР by the neural network identification method and the theoretical model袁 the validity of theР established impedance identification model is verified.Р Key wordsР 院grid-connected inverter曰 neural network曰 impedance identification曰 operating pointР dependent impedance model


