

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:docx  |  页数:20 |  大小:26KB

of the lesson. Р By playing the PPT, I Р And then, Р (板书layout) Р The purpose of this is to present the new words and sentences in the situation, which Р relates to the Ss’ real life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easilyР and naturally. Р After presenting each new word (by the guessing game), I will impart the knowledge Р of pronunciation rules in teaching the new words. Р It is called Phonics. Р It can facilitate the Ss’ abilities to pronounce the words, and help them to remember Р the spelling of the words. Р It will cost mins, includingDue to the Ss’ age, I makeThe purpose of this is to draw the whole Ss’ attention to the spelling of the words.Р It is to help Ss to learn Р through a true situation. Р In this step, I will give Ss a free space to show their abilities.


