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ed, and som e suggestion s fo r develop ing agricultural potassium sulfate industry are also given.РKey words: potassium sulfate; potassium ch lo ride; developm entР(责任编辑?刘海涛)Р(上接第 77 页)Р参考文献:Р[ 1 ] 陶冶译, 余炎校. 更为有效的公共交通[J ]. 国外科技动态, 1998, 12): 20222.РThe character istic and sta tus of urban pub ic tran sport in the c ity of Nann ingРQ IU Jun, YAN G J ia2jia, W E I J ia2feng, L IB in2yan,РX IE Q iong2zh i, HUAN G Q ing2shu, L IL i2m ingР(Co llege of M echan ical Engineering , Guangx i U n iversity, N ann ing 530004, Ch ina)РAbstract: ording to the questionnaire and sam p le survey on the characteristic and , status of urban pubic tran spo rt in the city of N anning , the analysis and perfo rm ance are given.РKey words: urban pubic tran spo rt ; survey; analysis and perfo rm anceР?Р(责任编辑?刘海涛)


