parated without affecting the stability of the substance or changing position. This definition is cited from EU Regulation 1907/2006 REACH.Р4.23РCAS 注册号:РCAS number:Р是国际通行的化学物品的身份代码。如:铅的CAS 注册号是7439-92-1。РChemical Abstract System number is assigned to chemicals for unique identification. The CAS number system is an international convention. For example, the CAS number for lead is 7439-92-1.Р4.24РSVHC: Р是Substance(s) of Very High Concern 的缩写,将包含以下物质:Рan acronym for Substance(s) of Very High Concern,the following substance will be included:Р(1) 根据欧盟67/548/EEC 指令,符合致癌1 和2 类、致畸1 和2 类、生殖毒性分类标准的(CMR物质)1 和2 类;РSubstances meeting the criteria for classification in accordance with EU Directive 67/548/EEC: Carcinogenic category 1 or 2﹔Mutagenic category 1 or 2﹔Toxic for reproduction category 1 or 2;