

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:docx  |  页数:6 |  大小:74KB

rience:Р(2013年成华区中考英语诊断题)完成对话:РA: Hi, John. Haven’t seen you for ages, what’s up?РB: I’ve been 1. with job hunting recently.РA: Oh, wish you good luck.РB: Thanks. Can you give me some tips of ing 2. ?РA: The first thing is to try to make a good impression.РB: 3. do I do that?РA: First, firmly shake the interviewer’s 4. while greeting him or her with a smile and keep eye contact.РB: Any 5. tips?РA: Yes, the second thing is to have confidence. You can get 6. from being prepared.РB: What should I do for that? РA: Learn a little about pany and think of 7. questions and answers.РB: Should I recite my answers?РA: No, you should sound 8. when you speak.РB: Should I ask about money?РA: No, either let them bring out the topic of 9. or else wait for a second interview.РB: Okay, I’ll try 10. you say.


