e Picture(5Marks)РPlease say something about the picture.Р(三)Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р(四)Р(共四大题,计20分)РI. Free Talk(5Marks)Р1. Do you have a pet?Р2. How old is your mother?Р3. When is your birthday?Р4. What’s your favourite food? Р5 .Who’s your best friend?РII. Pronunciation(5 Marks)РRead aloud each phoneme, and say two words that include the phonemeРExample:[u:] food schoolР[u:] 2. [ʌ] Р3. [Ι] 4. [Ιə] Р5. [ d] РIII. Reading the Dialogue(5 Marks)РRead aloud dialogue out loud with appropriate emotion and stress.РMike: Can you play football, Chen Jie?РChen Jie: Yes , I can.РMike: How often do you usually play football?РChen Jie: Twice a week.РMike: Can I join you? I like playing football very much.РChen Jie: Of course!РIV.Talking about the Picture(5Marks)РPlease say something about the picture.Р(四)