

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:doc  |  页数:13 |  大小:30KB

After lunch, she goes to a library to borrow a story book. Р1. Betty gets up late, doesn't she? Р2. Does Betty make her bed herself? Р3. What does Betty wash, a skirt or a shirt? Р4. How long does it take Betty to finish her homework? Р5. Where does Betty go after lunch? Р2005Р年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组口语试题(七) Р(教师用卷) Р(共三大题,计20分) РI. Free Talk (5 point) Р1. Are there any pets in your home? Р2. Which subject do you like best? Р3. Did you go to another city on your holiday? Р4. How old is your grandmother? Р5. What would you like to be in the future? РII. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentences below. Р1. test 2. candle 3. puppy 4. sweep Р5. badminton 6. by subway Р7. go for a walk 8. I am very sorry. Р9. Please sit down. 10. How beautiful the flowers are! РIII. Talk about


