析型语言。 3. Growth of Present-day English Vocabulary 当代英语词汇的发展状况考点:当代英语发展的现状 New words sweep in ata rate much faster than any other period in the history. Three main sources of new words: Rapid development of science and technology; Social economic and political changes; Influence of other cultures and languages. 4. Modes of Vocabulary Development 词汇发展的方式考点:词汇发展的 3个主要方式创造新词,旧词新意,借用外来语。各种方式的地位和作用 1 Creation 创造新词: By using the existing materials, namely roots, affixes and other elements. Most important way of vocabulary expansion . 2 Semantic Changes 旧词新意: Old form takes a new meaning to meet the new needs. Enrich the vocabulary by creating more new usages of the words.(not increase the number of words) 3 Borrowing 借用外来词: Vital role in the development of vocabulary, particular in earlier times.