械部件采用弹簧或偏心型载荷限制器的电气和液压装置; 在起重机的增加操作的安全性、自控制装置中备份设备;改变能力的可能性, 使得它可以保护支架,箱盖,抓斗,等,因此,机械设备增加了操作可靠性和失效的概率降低; 如果有必要,该设备可以作为一个独立的驱动器的能力增加一个小动力,以起升并与减少负载提升或降低速度。参考文献 1. I. Kh. Kaplan, "Device for controlling the hoisting mechanism of cranes," Inventor's Certificate No. 1428681 [in Russian]. 2.S.N. Popchenko, Yu. N. Kasatkin, and G. V. Borisov, Asphaltic Concrete Facings of HYdraulic Structures [in Russian], Energiya, Leningrad (1970). 3. mendations on the Design of Reversed Filters of Hydraulic Structures: II-92-80/ VNIIG [in Russian], Leningrad (1984). 4. Yu. N. Kasatkin, "Design of position of transition layers of asphalt concrete diaphragms in earth dams," Gidrotekh. Stroit., No. 6 (1981). 5.V.F. Van Asbek, Use of Bitumens in Hydrotechnical Construction [in Russian], Energiya, Leningrad (1975).