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(2)Рwhere N is the number of load cycles. After 10,000 load cycles r0 hardly increases. Now let's assume that the conveyor under design has a length of 10,000 m, a life expectation of 5 years at 5000 operational hours per year. The total number of load cycles can be calculated with the following equation:РN=[(3600 V)/(2L)]HY (3)Рwhere V is the belt speed, L the conveyor length, H the number of operational hours per year and Y the number of expected years of operation. Equation (3) is visualized in Figure 9.РFigure 9: Number of load cycles versus belt speed for given example.РThe value of the reduction factor ro can be determined with equation (2) and the number of load cycles as given in Figure 9. The result is shown in Figure 10.РFigure 10: DIN 22101 reduction factor r0 for given example


