了一种扭曲的文化,这种文化不能确立自己的边界并树立起调和个人幸福与集体幸福的路标。简而言之,它反映的是一种不能适应特殊的男人、女人和为人父母者所处社会的文化。Р14、In personal terms, the main result of this failure is the spread of a mefirst egotism hostile to all except the most puerile understandings of personal happiness. In social terms, the results are a decline in children’s well-being and a rise in male viloence, especially against women. The most significant result is our society’s steady fragmentation into atomized individuals, isolated from one another and estranged from the aspirations and realities mon membership in a family, munity, a nation bound by mitment and shared memory.从个人的角度来说,这一失败的主要后果是自我优先的自我中心主义的蔓延,除了对个人幸福的最天真的理解之外,对一切都怀有敌意。从社会的角度来说,其后果是儿童生活质量的下降和男性暴力的攀升,尤其是针对女性的暴力。最为显著的后果是我们的社会不断地分裂为单个的个体。这些个体彼此隔离,并同通过相互承担义务和共享的记忆联系在一起的家庭、社会和国家中的一般成员的抱负与现实疏远起来。