强中年人的肌肉力量。一些重要的医学杂志已经针对这种有争议的产品发表了不少文章。你的项目经理是一个医学专家,对医疗注入设备很有研究,许多杂志文章提到过他的名字。虽然他在这个课题是知识丰富,他还是不断从小组成员那里征求大量关于项目和产品问题的意见。项目小组成员经常开会讨论,而他静静地坐在会议桌旁倾听。他对问题的最常见回答是“你的看法呢?”他的领导风格的最好描述是:( )РA.自由主义的РB.以小组成员为主导РC.合作РD.领导职责分担РР正确答案:DР Р197 A key to successful Management by Objectives (MBO) isРРРA. insuring that employees have clearly defined objectivesРB. involving employees in decision meetingsРC. permitting employees to set their own objectivesРD. allowing employees to perform. their own evaluationsРE. A or CРР正确答案:EР Р43 A(n) _____ is defined as a specified accomplishment in a particular instant in time which does not consume time or resources.РA. ActivityРB. Event.РC. CorrelationРD. ConstantРE. Event constrained within planned effort.РР正确答案:BР Р以下哪一种计算不能用于决定EAC?( )РA.最新的EV加上剩余的项目预算