tive means to insure quality conformance is to:РA. delegate accountability to subordinatesРB. revise quality specifications to match quality measurementsРC. train workers in proper quality methodsРD. inspect quality into the productРE. make quality a higher priority than cost or scheduleРР正确答案:CР Р184 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element has a favorable cost variance of $150?РA. Element PРB. Element QРC. Element RРD. Element SРE. None of the aboveРР正确答案:CР РРР有一个文件,它通过确定项目目标和主要项目可交付成果,形成了项目团队和项目客户之间达成一致的基础。这个文件的名称是:( )РA.执行计划РB.配置管理计划РC.范围说明书РD.工作授权计划РР正确答案:CР Р许多小组成员就快要一起离开公司,项目经理首先应该做什么?РA、 修订WBSРB、 招募小组成员РC、 实施风险应对РD、 修订线性职责图РР正确答案:CР РIn Project Risk Management, Risk Response may include actions to:РA. reduce the probability of risk events