with heavy usage during the show s hours, tile floors were frequently awash with water, waste bins overflowed, and paper towels were in perpetual short supply.Р结果显示,96.6%的民众在过去一周中使用过一次性纸巾,平均每个人 每天要使用一次性纸巾10. 1张。РThe result showed that96. 6% people used facial tissues in the previous week. Each person would uselO.1 pieces of facial tissue every day on average in the survey.Р纸巾的大量消耗每天都在给地球增加新的负担,更方便、更环保的手帕 却无人问津。РThe big consumption of facial tissues brings new burden to the earth every day, while few people use real handkerchiefs which are more convenient and environment friendly.Р洁肤后,取适量,均匀地涂抹于全脸,15分钟后用水冲洗干净或用纸巾 擦拭干净。РAfter cleaning the skin, take proper amount of the product to evenly apply on the face, and then wash cleanly with water or wipe off with the facial tissue after 15 minutes.