

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:docx  |  页数:12 |  大小:0KB

r vacation garden at once, and the big stone in my mind finally fell down, and at last, it could be relaxed。 I am pleased to sigh, to mom and Dad good news, that mom and dad will be happy for me, did not expect my father was cold and Stern said: to do so quickly what is the use? Are all of the homework assigned by the teacher to you in one or two days? How can I have a good grasp of the summer knowledge and a good review of the knowledge of the last semester? Р When I heard it, I felt that Dad had a good sense。 Hey! If so, I will not do so, but now what ways? In a word, I will never be dumb again like this。 Р 今日是放寒假的其次天,为了抓紧做好寒假作业,大快朵颐地玩,我一下子就把《寒假园地》做完了,我心中的大石头也终于落了下来,最终可以轻松喽!我兴奋地吁了一口气,去向爸爸妈妈“报喜”,本以为爸爸妈妈会替我兴奋,可没料到爸爸却冷漠而严厉地说:“做这么快有什么用呢?老师布置的这些作业都是让你们一两天就完成的吗?那怎能好好地驾驭暑假学问、好好复习上学期的学问呢?”


