

上传者:似水流年 |  格式:docx  |  页数:11 |  大小:42KB

om the runway, descended to an altitude above sea level of 60 metres. The airplane descended slowly until the landing gear contacted the surface of the sea at a distance of 10,7 km short of runway 04. Climb power was applied and the navigator reported that they were going around. At a height of 60-90 metres however, the captain decided to continue the approach. Assuming the undercarriage had been substantially damaged, he decided to carry out a belly landing on the side of the runway. Touchdown was accomplished 50 metres to the right of the runway and 450 metres passed the threshold. The aircraft skidded and came to rest 2230 metres further on..РQuestion 1: Please give a brief summary of the accident?РQuestion 2: In your opinion, who should take the responsibility for the accident and why?


