rty and you just look at them in the eye you know they are hurting as well, everybody is trying to cover up. Can you leave somebody today?РMake a choice today, to do something good. Hold on to that hope. Open your eyes, look at me.Tears clean the windows of your soul, that is why you feel good after crying.РI’m here today to hug you, I’m a hugging machine.And if you want a hug, I gonna need a couple minutes to get out of this and then go to the table to the side. There is a table around the corner behind this camera. And I wanna hug you and I want you to hug me like you never hug before. Because there is healing in hugging. And I want you to know I love you guys so much. Don‘t give up and know that there is always someone out there who will believe in you and love you just the way you are!