

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:doc  |  页数:18 |  大小:92KB

Greener World. Where do I sign? РP42 Р5 Listening: Environmental solutions РA Listen to three people describing e serious environmental problems are being solved. Write down the problem each one talks about. Р1. Jenny: РJ: You know, I’ve been reading a lot about the problem of landfills – and it really has me worried. РM: Why? РJ: Well, it seems that the easiest way of disposing of trash is by burying it in landfills. The problem is that in many countries the landfills have already been filled up, and it’s hard to find places to start new ones. No one wants a huge landfill anywhere near their neighborhood. РM: So what’s the solution? РJ: Well, there is no easy solution. But many cities are trying to do more recycling so that they can reduce the amount of stuff that goes into the landfills.


