['pæŋkriəs] 脂肪肝 Fatty liver 前列腺 prostate take off your belt for check your prostate Р10. 放射 X-Ray 胸片 Chest radi’ography 颈椎 Cervical spine 面朝机器 face to machine 肩靠紧机器 keep your shoulder close with the machine 双手叉腰 With arms akimbo [ə'kimbəu] Р13. 肺功能 Pulmonary function ['pʌlmənəri] / lungs function 三个步骤 three step 第一步 first step 平静呼吸3次,然后深吸一口气,慢慢呼出来 Calm breath three times, then take a deep breath, breathe out slowly. 第二步 second step 平静呼吸2次,然后深吸一口气,慢慢呼出来 Calm breath two times, then take a deep breath, breathe out quickly. 第三步 third step Р快速呼吸15秒 Quickly breath about 15 seconds,just like after running. Р江西省检验检疫局顺外路与洪都大道交界处,老商检大楼РBureau for entry – exit inspection and Quarantine of Jiangxi Province