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f her as if she is like a god. It seems that no man can match her beauty. But, in our daily life, it’s rather difficult and even impossible to find such a beautiful lady. Perhaps, the woman cannot be as perfect as the speaker makes her out to be. Maybe the poet just wants to give readers a sense of falseness and makes us believe that he is just dreaming of such a woman.Р To make a conclusion, by analyzing, we see a beautiful but cold young lady who is unapproachable without her permission. In my opinion, this not only implies that true love needs waiting but also can be applied to other aspects of life. For example, when we want to plish one thing essfully and perfectly, we need to wait for the proper time besides careful plan and preparation.РReference: Р陈才宇. 英美诗歌名篇选读[M]. 杭州:浙江大学出版社,2007.


