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me students.Highlight some difficult sentences and elicit explanations from students and give helps where necessary.РBasic Writing SkillsРPrepare a PPT with sentences of the exercise on P81 of SB.РAsk some students to tell their answers to the class and explain why.РCheck the understanding of the class by explaining the examples given on P81 of SB.РSection B Reading MoreРAsk the students to read and be familiar with the content of Text B.РPair up the Ss in class and allow them 10 minutes to discuss the following questions: Р 1) What do you know about Jordan?Р 2) How much do you know about the NBA?Р 3) Which NBA player do you like best? Why?Р 4) What are key to an excellent NBA player?Р5) What are the qualities that make Michael Jordan one of theР greatest players in the history of the NBA?


