des ago they would rarely have had a female boss in the workplace.(Para.10)РMeaning: Despite female employees’ too many expectations, one thing that goes beyond any disagreement is that the condition would not have been in place a few decades ago–they could hardly get a woman as their boss.РIV. Grammar and exercisesРDo the exercises of the unit.РIntroduce some word formation knowledge.Р“would rather”句型的用法.РV. Writing and reading skills practiceР1. A general statement supported by example[s]Р2. Predicting the author’s ideasР教学小结РAs the topic is closely related to our daily life, nearly all students actively participate in the Рclass discussion. Through the passage learning, students learn the difference between male and Рfemale bosses in management, and the obstacles for female bosses.Р辅导答疑