conditions. To improve its performances to meet a variety of different requirements through the ways as follows.Р(1)改变树脂种类并提高与介质相接触表面层的树脂含量,以提高耐腐蚀性。РTo change in the type of resin and to enhance contact with the media surface layer of resin content in order to improve corrosion resistance.Р(2)选用不同纤维的种类和控制玻璃钢中纤维的含量,以适应不同耐腐蚀性和强度的要求РChoose different types of fiber and control content of glass fiber in GRP, in order to adapt to different corrosion resistance and strength requirements.Р(3)改变纤维的排列,以适应环向、轴向等不同方向的强度设计要求。РTo change the arrangement of fibers in order to adapt to the ring, the axial intensity in different directions, such as design requirements.Р管配件制作方便。玻璃钢管的法兰、弯头、三通、变径管等可任意制作,如法兰可与任意符合国家标准的同等压力同等管径的钢制法兰相连接,弯头可根据施工现场的需要制作成任意角度。此外,由于接头采用柔性橡胶圈密封,每个接头具有1。~3。的偏转作用,对于较小的转弯可通过接头借转而不用制作弯头。