rs. 过去的两年中,我一直在加州大学洛杉矶分校观察那些在癌症中存活的患者,想要找出为什么这些人接受治疗的效果更好。一开始我认为有些患者恢复那么好的原因是他们的病情比较轻,但是经过更仔细的观察,我发现病情的严重性只是为什么他们和其他人治疗效果不同的许多原因中的其中一个原因。我这里讨论到的病人接受了他们各自所需要的不同的治疗,像药物治疗、放射性疗法、手术等等。然而病人对于这些治疗方法的反应和效果不尽相同。一些患者接受治疗后恢复效果比其他人要好的多。Р2 What was it, then, that was different? Was there any one thing that all survivors had mon? Yes. I have found that the major characteristics of these survivors were very similar. Among the similarities are: РThey all had a strong will to live РThey were not panicky about their illness РThey had confidence in their ability to persevere Despite all the forecasts to the contrary, they believed they could make itРThey were capable of joyous response РThey were convinced that their treatment would work. 会什么会存在如此大的不同?有没有什么是所有治愈的存活者共有的特点?答案是有。我发现这些存活者的大多数特点都非常相似,这其中包括了下列几点: