opened in bloom. Р Never had the desert known such a blossom. Its fragrance8) perfumed the air far and wide and brought happiness to all passing by. The butterflies paused to admire its beauty, and that night even the moon smiled when it rose to find such a treasure. Р In the desert, a voice was sounding: Р "You have waited long, and the heart that seeks to do good will always bring something worthwhile to the world, something in which all can rejoice — even if for only a moment." Р 一株仙人掌孤独地站在沙漠里,困惑为什么它被困在蛮荒之地。Р “我整天站在这里无所事事,”它叹息道。“我有什么用呢?我是沙漠中最丑陋的植物。我的刺又粗又多,我的皮又厚又糙。我不能为任何过路的旅行者提供荫凉或者多汁的果实。我看不出自己到底有什么用。”Р 仙人掌所做的只是日复一日地站在太阳底下,长得更高更胖。它的刺长得越来越长,而它的表皮则更加坚韧,它向四处疯长,直至变得粗笨结实、倒向一边。它确实长得很奇怪。Р “我希望我能够做点有用的事,”它叹息道。Р 白天,有几只鹰在它头顶的高空盘旋。Р “我能做些什么呢?”仙人掌大声说道。那几只鹰也不知道听见没有,但都飞走了。Р 晚上,月亮浮现在天空中,将其苍白的月光投射在沙漠上。