
21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程修订版3 (unit1-6十五选十答案)

上传者:叶子黄了 |  格式:doc  |  页数:6 |  大小:73KB

o my pace, which meant I had to slow down. What's important was that no 6___________ should be 7 _________on my face, for that would make my mother feel 8 ___________.РIn the M.R.I. suite, it's not unusual for us to wait for a long time. I would be on the 9 ________whenever my mother had to go to the bathroom. The waiting was a torture but we had no choice. My mother sometimes would 10________. I felt bad when I saw her struggling with all her efforts to cope with the therapy.РEventually, the test was over and I drove her back home. I always felt lucky that my boss is understanding.РA. loosenРB. followРC. rhymeРD. revelationРE. noticedРF. impatienceРG. embarrassedРH. escortРI. alertРJ. adaptРK. trialРL. irritatingРM. loseРN. grumbleРO. reflectedРKey:1.H?2.D?3.K?4.A?5.J?6.F?7.O?8.G?9.I?10.N


