y Thieves? In a town in Persia there lived a poor woodcutter named Ali Baba. One day, Ali Baba was working deep in the forest. Suddenly he heard the noise of many horses. He tied up his two mules behind some high rocks. Then he climbed into a tall tree to hide.? From up high in the tree, Ali Baba saw forty men on forty horses. Each man wore a saber and a dagger in his belt. They looked very fierce. Ali Baba could see at once that they were thieves.? The forty thieves dismounted in front of a huge rock, and one, who seemed to be captain, said, “Open, Sesame!” And a door flew open in the rock. Then they all went inside and the door closed behind them.Рfocus1starterР上海交通大学出版社Р1. StarterРBackРNextРTo be continuedР丁灭胳岔洛尤营耶镣椅介粳级曾翁墨淆架溢恼唯弦派丽战疽凯张擅琵袁薄应用型大学英语综合教程三(修订版)Unit 2应用型大学英语综合教程三(修订版)Unit 2Р10