of several types of foreign minimum platforms for hectometer water depth in aspects of design characteristics, structural behavior and installation . Finally, the paper discusses the technical and economic feasibility of applying the minimum platforms, which are prevalent in the Gulf of Mexico and North Sea, to the marginal offshore oilfield developmentРin China and offers proposals of research and development direction of minimum platform technology in China.РKey words: marginal offshore oilfield; development; minimum platformР(10) Discussion of Final Pressure Testing Acceptance Standard for Subsea Insulated Pipe -in -PipeРSystemР—3—Рfile:///C|/Users/Administrator/Desktop/新建文本文档.txtР涵盖各行业最丰富完备的资料文献,最前瞻权威的行业动态,是专业人士的不二选择。Рfile:///C|/Users/Administrator/Desktop/新建文本文档.txt2012/8/26 12:19:58