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not only in the same pace with that of mentality but with that of body. (刘晓东,2003: 18-19)Р2. Innocence vs. Secularization Р2.1 Innocent Child WorldР In Peter Pan, child characters are generally lovely and sensitive innocents. In adults’ view, the child world is always pure, fine and natural. A hero in children’s book is always a hero in their hearts. Although Peter Pan is not described as a perfect hero by Barrie, children all over the world still admire him and dream about his style of life, because Peter Pan is a typical boy and the strongest rebel towards growing up. Above all, it is the simplicity and innocence of Peter Pan that attracts child readers.Р Peter Pan and his fellows show the innocence of children’s hearts. The most obvious proof is their devotion and seriousness in games.


