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you have a good ?РA: Yeah, it was good, but I’m now. I to watch the er game.РA Weekend to RememberРMy sister finished high school . As a gift, our parents us to India. РLast weekend was but . We in a small village in India. First, we took a Рto a lake in the countryside. There we our tents and to keep us and Рfood . On the first night, we just sat and told stories. But I was Рthat I went to sleep .The next morning, my sister and I got a . When we looked Рour tent, we saw a big snake near the fire. I was so that I couldn’t . РWe our parents to let them know about the .My dad started to and Рin their tent. This the snake and it the forest near the lake. My dad told Рme that snakes don’t have ears but can feel things . He also told me it was Рnot to go near a snake. This was a very lesson me.


