
七年级英语下册6-12单元 2b课文填空

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:doc  |  页数:4 |  大小:32KB

countryside. There we _______ up our tents and _______ a fire _______ us warm and cook food on. On the first night, we just _______ under the moon and _______ each other stories. But I _______ so tired that I _______ to sleep early.РThe next morning , my sister and I _______ a terrible surprise. When weР_______ out of our tent, we _______ a big snake _______ near the fire. I _______ so scared that I ______________. We _______ to our parents _______ them _______ about the danger . My dad _______ _______ up and down in their tent. This _______ the snake up and it _______ into the forest near the lake. My dad _______ me later that snakes ______________ ears but _______ things _______. He also _______ me it _______ important not _______ near a snake. This _______ a very _______ lesson for me.


