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sage for the first time and answer two questions:Р(1)What does the passage about?Р(2)How many safety tips are there in this passage?Р3. Read the passage after the teacher several times.(5 min)РStep Three Unit Task Work out an safety plan (23 min) РHow can you play smart, stay safe and have fun while you’re online? You need to plan ahead. Р四、板书设计РUseful sentences РIf I use a chat room or instant messaging, I will…РIf I build a website about myself, I will…РIf I receive a strange email, I will…РIf someone I meet online asks for my photo, I will…РIf someone online starts an unpleasant conversation with me, I will…РIf someone online offers to send me money or gifts, I will…РIf someone online does something that frightens me, I will…РIf someone I meet online asks to meet me in person , I will…


