se time. And flattening the icon can be through the code written, great high loading speed, more important is flattening icon is usually easy to understand, abstract graphics, to improve the uniformity of the visual interface and beautiful sex. Button can touch area it is bigger than normal. Color scheme of the interface, based on user research data, elegant black bold font selection Microsoft, minimum font 14 pounds. Color matching, different functions with different color, making it easy for users to study memory, green represents consulting doctor, blue for make an appointment function, orange represents movement monitoring function, red represents healthy function. Р译文移动医疗App开发研究РMarshall LР摘要移动互联网大爆发的时代,智能手机的普及率得到空前提高,拨电话与发短信再也满足不了人们的需求,层出不穷的手机 App 已经诞生。App(Application),是针对于智能手机的第三方程序