k.РPlease take off your coat.Р二. РOnce there were a lot of mice in an old house. They are up a lot of food. So the owner of the house got a cat. The cat killed many of the mice.РOne day the oldest mouse said, “ All the mice e to my hole tonight, and we’ll decide what we can do about the cat.”РAll the mice came. They thought hard and tried to find a way to save their lives. At last, a young mouse said, “ Why not tie a bell around the cat’s neck?”“ That’s a good idea.” The oldest mouse said, “ But who’s going to do it?”РNone of the mice answered after a few minutes. He said: “ It’s easy to say but not easy to do.”Р【励志故事】Р窗Р有个太太多年来不断抱怨对面的太太很懒惰,“那个女人的衣服永远洗不干净,看,她晾在外院子里的衣服,总是有斑点,我真的不知道,她怎么连洗衣服都洗成那个样子……”Р直到有一天,有个明察秋毫的朋友到她家,才发现不是对面的太太衣服洗不干净。细心的朋友拿了一块抹布,把这个太太的窗户上的灰渍抹掉,说:“看,这不就干净了吗?”Р 原来,是自己家的窗户脏了。