
(苏教译林版)英语六年级下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 说课稿

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Р51. I can’t find my cat. Do you see it a ____ _?Р52. Birds k ____ on the cage door with their beaks(喙)when they are hungry.Р53. That glass is on the edge of the table. Put it in the m ____ _.Р54. Please f ____ _your dog. It is very hungry.Р55. There is no milk in the bottle. It’s e ____ _.Р56. The ____ _ (拥有者) of these goldfish is a little girl.Р57. It’s ____ _ (必要的) for us to learn English well.Р58. Look! The dog is ____ _ (追赶) a cat.Р59. I like to keep a goldfish as a pet because it isn’t any ____ _ (麻烦).Р60. An elephant usually walks very ____ _ (慢).Р六、句型转换:根据要求转换下列各句,每空一词。(10分)Р61. I don’t think he can swim across the Changjiang River. (改为同义句)Р I don’t think he is ____ ____ swim across the Changjiang River.Р62. You should walk your dog once a week. (对划线部分提问)Р should you walk your dog?


