must hand over the requisite documents to the International Office of HMU in time to make registry. Р• Hand in tuition, modation fee etc. Р• Deadline of applications: Every year December 1st to next year March 31stРⅥ. Charging standards : РTuitionРDegreeРProgram РTuition RMB only РBachelorРClinical MedicineР41000 Per Year РMasterРClinical MedicineР60000 Per YearРDoctorРClinical MedicineР68000 Per YearРmodation: Р7000RMB/YEARРOther:РTextbook feeРResidence permission feeРBody check feeРCost of livingРAll the fees above will base on real situations, and paid by the International Student at his own expenses.РEnrollment fee: Р800 RMB per PersonРFeeРSumРEnrollment feeР800RMB/personРTuition fee of MBBSР41000RMB/Academic YearРmodation feeР7000RMB/YEARРText BookРAround 1000RMB/person/ Academic Year