ch. At the same time, the US CongressРalso addressed a labeling bill of its own later this year, and some private groups are threateningРcourt action to force the issue. Even without legal action, public opinion is turning a moreРdoubtful eye on GM technology.Р分析:Р1. 从标题看,我们可了解大意。本文大致内容为人们对GM食品的了解,GM食品的发展以及人们对其的抗议。各段落中无明显主题句,我们可通过找关键词来概括段落主旨。Р第一段:法国农民在麦当劳的停车场及门口堆积粪便、蔬菜等以表示对GM 食品的抗议。可概括为:农民对GM食品暴发的愤怒,关键词句为“…mountains of fresh manure as well as, lots of fruit and vegetables dumped in front of the restaurants by protesting(抗议) farmers.”因此第一段标题可确定为A:Burst of anger.Р第二段:麦当劳有众多令农民愤怒的原因,尤其是对食品进行转基因处理。关键词句为:There's a lot about McDonald's that angers the farmers.。可确定该段标题为C: The cause of protesting.Р第三段:由于人们了解到科学家将食品中的基因进行重新处理,发明出转基因食品,使其能增强抵抗力,人们对此感到担忧。因此可概括为对转基因食品的了解。该段标题为E: Knowing about GM food.