assage is .?(2) The suitable headline for this passage may be?(3) The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is .?(4) Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?(体现概括性, 避免远离主题)2. 文章主旨类试题常见的题干形式?(1) What is the passage mainly about??(2) The passage talks about ...?(3) The passage tells us that ...?(4) This passage mainly deals with ...?(5) What’s the main idea / topic of the passage?(体现全面性, 避免以偏概全)3. 段落主旨类试题常见的题干形式?(1) The main idea of the second paragraph probably is that .?(2) What is the last paragraph chiefly concerned with??(3) Which of the following can best summarize Paragraph one??(4) What’s the main idea discussed in the first paragraph?(体现针对性, 避免张冠李戴)解题技巧技巧一:识别文体技巧二:找关联词技巧三: 抓线索技巧四: 找高频词技巧一:识别文体新闻报道导语提携全文议论文总--分--总(论点-论据-结论)说明文主题句(首--中--尾)记叙文记叙文六要素