measured at failure in specimen SW3-2 was approximately 0.0023 mm/mm, which correspРonded to 14% of the reported CFRP ultimate strain. This value is not an absolute because it greatly depends on the location of the strain gauges with respect to a crack. However, the recorded strain indicates that if the splitting did not occur, the shear capacity could have reached higher load. Comparison between measured local stirrup strains in specimens SW3-1 and SW3-2 are shown in Fig. 6. The stirrups 1, 2 and 3 were located at distance of 175, 300 and 425 mm from the support, respectively. The results showed that the stirrups 2 and 3 did not yield at ultimate for both specimens. The strains (and the forces) in the stirrups of specimen SW3-2 were, in general, smaller than those of specimen SW3-1 - 4 -