
新编大学英语教案(第二册) Unit8Money

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n the couple became poor, their children kicked them out of the house.(F)РThe couple believed that a simple and peaceful life was a happy life.(T)РThe moral of this story is that money does not necessarily bring you happiness.(T)РPassage 2 A Letter to GodРDecide whether the following are true or false according to the passage.РAt the beginning of the passage, what Lencho needed most was good harvest.РLencho expected and got what he had expected from the God.РThe rain later changed to a disaster.РLencho seemed to rely a lot on the God and the God showed mercy to him.РLencho pretended not to know the money was from the postmaster..РKey: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. FРTranslation:英汉语言句法差异Р句序的差异Р修饰语位置差异Р1)单词作定语Рa research-oriented hospital (前置) Р 一所以搞科研为重点的医院(前置)Р Something important (后置)Р 重要的事情(前置)


