charge you fifty Yuan for whatever remittance whose amount is greater than five thousand Yuan.Р93.请问您想汇多少钱?РHow much would you like to remit?Р94.在给您兑换之前,您能让我看一下护照吗?РWould you mind showing me your passport before I exchange the money?Р95.请您在兑换水单的右下角签名?РPlease sign your name on the right side of the memo.Р96.当您填表的时候,我会为您准备好美元。РI will get your dollars while you are filling this out.Р97.请等一下,我给您出具外汇兑换水单.РPlease wait a moment. I will fill out the exchange memo for you.Р98.我想把钱汇往巴黎,在哪里办理?РWhere can I remit some money to Paris?Р99.请留下您的电话号码,款项一到账我就给您打电话。РWould you like to leave your telephone number with us so that I can give you a call as soon as the money arrives?Р100.请您在取款单上签名,我们会直接从您的账户上扣除费用。РPlease sign your name on this withdrawal slip, we will debit your account directly for fees.Р28350.00