
2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 1《I am excited》教案1 (新版)冀教版(三起)

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s very excited?РListening for the second timeР Who stopped Danny? What does she say?Р Answers: Please don’t run! Please don’t jump! РPlease don’t sing! Please don’t dance!Р Please don’t sit down. Please stand up.РStep 3 practiceР a. Ask students to do actions.让四组学生到前面来,通过抽签的方式给每组指派一个动作(run, jump, sing, dance)Teacher says: Please don’t …Р(告诉他们: “you are very excited, please keep on doing actions until I stop you.”)Рb. follow to readРc. group-work: act it.РStep 4 Let’s do it(p3)Рread and matchРlook, say and writeРClass closingРHomework: tell one of your family members() at home “ please do something.” and another “please don’t do something.”РYou work really hard. Please stand up. Please walk to the door. Please don’t run. РPlease don’t hurry. РGoodbye, boys and girls. Please have a nice day.


