d of IB after having worked in New York and LAР在欧陆银行完成银行实习后,她攻读了经济学,然后回到欧陆银行担任客户Р顾问,并在纽约和洛杉矶工作后,成为投资银行部主管。РRyan Wolfe: 瑞恩·沃尔夫РHead of PBC and fully qualified lawyer.Р私人和企业客户部主管,具有律师资格。РFirst, he worked as a lawyer in the real estate law sector, but then started working as a legal consultant in the legal Department of Euro-bank, after three years, he became Head of PBC 他首先担任房地产法律领域的律师,后担任欧陆银行法律部法律顾问,并在三年后成为私人和企业客户部主管。РDr. Mark Brand: 马克·勃兰特博士РHead of IB and Certified Political Economist.Р投资银行部主管,注册政治经济师。РHe used to work for a private bank in different countries in Asia (Malaysia and Hong Kong, among others) for ten years and then started working as a strategy adviser for Euro-bank after having received a very good offer.Р他曾在亚洲多个国家和地区(马来西亚、香港等)效力于某家私人银行达十Р年之久,在获得欧陆银行非常优越的聘请邀约后,他加入欧陆银行担任战略顾问。