

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:doc  |  页数:12 |  大小:279KB

selfish? Many people do, so they say yes. That just increases their stress level and often leads to bad feelings. So learn to say no nicely. РMaybe someone asks you to help with a fundraising event for your school. You don’t have time. But before turning them down, say something about the event’s importance. Say, “That’s a great cause,” or “You have an important goal.” That way, the person sees you value the project even if you cannot help. РWhen you say no, make kind remarks. Say, “Thank you for asking, but I cannot this time,” or “I regret having to say no.”РYou can give the person other ideas. For example, your friend asks you to take care of her dog for a few days. You cannot, but you know another person who loves dogs. Suggest them instead. Then your friend can get the help she needs.


