de *p=head,*r;Р while(p->next){Р r=p->next;Р free(p);Р p=r;Р?}Р?free(p);Р}Р三.实验结果:РInput # to end Please input Node_data:batРInput # to end Please input Node_data:catРInput # to end Please input Node_data:eatРInput # to end Please input Node_data:fatРInput # to end Please input Node_data:hatРInput # to end Please input Node_data:jatРInput # to end Please input Node_data:latРInput # to end Please input Node_data:matРInput # to end Please input Node_data:#Рmat, lat, jat, hat, fat, eat, cat, bat,Р Delete node (y/n):yРPlease input Delete_data:hatРmat, lat, jat, fat, eat, cat, bat,Р Insert node (y/n):yРPlease input Insert_data:putРposition :5Рmat, lat, jat, fat, eat, put, cat, bat,Р请按任意键继续. . .Р :Р四.实验心得:本实验需要一定的编程能力,和对问题的分析能力,以及解决问题的。它需用把理论变为上机调试,对我们初学者无疑是一个巨大的挑战。但在用心对待,调试成功的那一刻,有很强的兴奋感和战胜欲