ule that , and the budget constraint. So replace x1 with (1/2)(x2) in the budget constraint and we can get , and.Р8. (1) Because the preference is Cobb-Douglas utility, we can simplify putation by the formula that the standardized parameter of modity means its share of total expenditure.РSo directly, the answer is , .(详细方法见8(2))Р.(2)库恩-塔克定理。РMax f(x)Р s.t (x)0 (i=1…n)Р定义:L=Р最优性条件为:Р F.O.C : ;Р (x)0;Р;Р互补松弛条件:;如果=0,则<0。如果< 0,则=0。Р例РMax =Р s.t Р,.Р(注意这里的预算条件与定理的符号相反,从而下面有)РF.o.c①Р②Р,,③Р互补松弛条件:=0 ④Р=0 ⑤Р=0 ⑥Р由②知:>0 ,所以由④知: ⑦Р Ⅰ。如果>0,则=0,所以由⑦有>0,从而=0Р再由①有Р由②Р必须满足>0,所以,>0<Р所以当<时,,РⅡ。=0,则>0,由①知,所以=0,由因为=0,所以由②知,代入①得,,Р,因为>0,所以>0>Р所以,当>时,解为:,。Р大家也可以通过预算约束把表示成,然后代入到效用函数中讨论其极值。Р9. (1) Р商品一的需求函数为:Р右图中,红色线为价格提供曲线.Р的收入提供曲线,当时,是横轴Р当时,是整个第一像限Р当时,是纵轴Р反需求函数是:Р恩格尔曲线:如果那么恩格尔曲线是:Р如果那么恩格尔曲线是一个柱面:,Р如果那么恩格尔曲线是: